TRAVELING WITH KIDS – Creating legacy moments

TRAVELING WITH KIDS  – Creating legacy moments

There was a time when traveling with the kids (and other members of the family) may have felt overwhelming. Not anymore These days a growing number of hotels and resorts are catering to families in the most creative ways. And it’s not just about having a kids club, but offering a colorful array of creative and meaningful activities that keep the kids engaged, learning, growing and healthy! 

Here’s out top 8 tips for how to make a lasting impression on your little ones….

How empowering is it for kids to have a say in not only selecting the destination but also the itinerary? When selecting the destination, it’s not just the place that is important but what you all want to do. From cruises to beach and island vacations, if the kids are involved every step of the way, they’ll be looking forward to the getaway more than you will! 

Exposing kids to other cultures is such an enriching way to expand their young minds. The experience of having to communicate with other kids who may not speak their language can be enlightening. Kids, when relaxed, are essentially open and flexible and may well be mesmerized by the festivities, sports, dance and other activities celebrated by other cultures. 

Make sure you book a hotel or resort with an awesome kids club that offers a variety of activities for all ages –from toddlers to tweens to teenagers. One of the benefits of an on-site kids club is that the kids get to meet and connect with kids from all nationalities and walks of life while engaging in fun and educational activities.  

You’re never too young to learn the art of compassion and being of service.  Booking a holiday where the kids get to have a mission may well change the way they think forever. Visiting a local orphanage or helping out in a local community or wildlife sanctuary can be a very expansive experience for the kids. It’s a great way to get off the devices and expand their boundaries. 

Gone are the days where the children’s menu consisted of mac & cheese and fish n ’chips! Kids menus are so much more creative now.  Low-sugar meals will lessen hyperactivity. We recommend you check if the resort offers healthy kids cooking classes as well – berry smoothie-making anyone? Visits to the local markets is another fun way to keep the kids engaged, learning and growing.

There’s nothing like happy kids to make one’s heart sing. Look for a destination where they can get off the devices and plunge into the sea, climb mountains and explore wildlife. The kids are going to remember their sunrise volcano hike for years to come. Not to mention it’s good for their health.

Another trend in resorts and hotels are fitness classes for kids including yoga and group workouts. It’s great to get the kids used to moving at such a young age. In an increasingly sedentary world, obesity in the younger generation is a growing concern – and can lead to low self-esteem so it’s good to nip this one in the bud early on.

‘Families that travel together stay together’.
A growing trend in the global travel industry is multi-generational travel where the entire family goes on vacation together and have the enriching experience of exploring new frontiers together. Check into a resort that offer 2, 3 and 4 bedroom villas and you can bring the grandparents (ahem babysitters) too!

Written by ferry yudhitama

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